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Extra III. Composite Horn bows

Extra III composite bows were made from the same materials as 1000s of years ago. The core made from wood, internal layer from horn and the external from sinew and was glued by organic (animal) glue.

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Extra III composite bows were made from the same materials as 1000s of years ago. The core made from wood, internal layer from horn and the external from sinew and was glued by organic (animal) glue. Grip and ears might be reinforced by antler or bone plates. Spliced parts were usually wrapped in sinew. External side might be covered by birchbark or leather while some remain „naked”, leaving the sinew visible. We make various bow Eastern bow designs: Scythian, Hun, Magyar, Avar, Turkish, Tatar, Assyrian, Mongol and more.

The technology is mostly very similar but there might be small differences to the way of laying the sinew or the structure of wooden core. The horn plates might be from various animals. Mostly from ancient hungarian Grey Cattle, others from water buffalo, wild sheep or goat. There are various types of sinew too and multiple ways of preparing the sinew plate. Glue for the sinew is of critical importance. We don’t use hide-glue but produce the glue ourselves from various animal materials adding sturgeon bladder. Most of these material have gone through some form of processing. The various types of historical bows were of course not made by entirely the same methodology. The horn plates have been glued by kazein. Finished bows are covered by lacquer. The string was made mostly from modern material to meet safety regulations.

The production time of a horn bow is over 1 year due to the time of drying. A single layer of sinew rests for 2-3 months, while there may be 2-3 layers on a single bow.

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